Satan, God, Bugs Bunny and Me.
Okay - I ripped off this post's title from an album by the industrial band Cassandra Complex. Well, I dunno if you could call them industrial - more like insano.. though All Music Guide calls them "Industrial Dance". All I know is when I bought the record back in High School, I was looking for a record that would scare people, but was well... funny...This one had that in spades. Then I got Ministry's Land Of Rape and Honey, while not funny, per se... definitely had the scary thing down. Guess who won that battle of the bands. I think CC had the better title though.
So... THis weekend I watched the DVD which I heartily suggest all go out and purchase, if for no other reason than to immerse yerself in a couplafew hours of Supreme HIgh Weirdness. Usedtowas back in the day, you had to send an SASE to some strange little P.O. Box listed in Ivan Stang's "High Weirdness By Mail" to get yerself exposed to this much... freaky outthere-ness, but not anymore. Gods bless the Digital REvolution! Now you too can share the joy of "Uncle Goddam!" and the Mind boggling strangeness of Recovered memories of the Brainwashed CIA Trained Sex Slaves of Bob Hope! I always knew he was some kinda twisted sleazo pervert...(You think I'm kidding, don'tcha?)Buy this DVD. It will make the brainmeats quivering with delightfulness!
Moving on. The real highlight of this (For Me, anyway) was the second DVD filmed at Disnfocon2000. Mostly this was speeches from various "counter cultural icons" including Douglas Rushkoff, Grant Morrison and Of course, the man who first helped me have fun with my mind Robert Anton Wilson. All people who I not only really dig what they have to say but would love to one day sit down and share a drink or a joint or whatever and just talk about shtuff with them. Sigh.
So, the thing is that this was all done back in y2k - the wild and woolly days of pre 9-11 millenial weirdness. The overarching ideas from lotsa the speakers there was how the world was getting ready to change to "our" (the "counter culture" 's Viewpoint) and it would be an interesting time to live in... well. As the old curse goes. Interesting times indeed. Seems to me 4 years on we're at more of a return to mid 80's "Us and Them" thinking. We got the big baddy of "Islamofacism" as the right wing asspieces (since they sure ain't talking out of their mouths) like to call it. Much more "hands on" bad guy than the soviets were, that's for sure. I wonder what they're thinking about the state of the counter culture now.
Thanks for the DVD, O Captain, My Captain. You need to buy a shortwave and get the weirdness straight without the middleman.
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