Thursday, July 29, 2004

The Inevitable Return Of The Great White Dope...

Hi. How've you been? How're things? Good. Good. You're looking well. Did you loose weight?

This post's title is from the Bloodhound Gang, off the Hooray For Boobies! Album... which made all of our lives a little bit nicer with the pleasant sounds of the song "Discovery Channel" for weeks on end in the Halcyon days of the late 90's.

Ah... the 90's. It was a different time then, kids - the internet was still in the process of being renovated into a shopping mall, so the parking (and pr0n) was better and mostly free... MP3's were legal, and the X-files still had the original cast and some semblance of direction with the plotline...

Why it almost seems like another age. Especially when viewed across the yawning chasm of time that is filled with the detritus of the past 5 years. Wow! That's almost an epoch! I do believe there are Geological periods that are shorter!

5 years ago. Surely that's long enough for VH-1 to do one of those "I (heart) the..." Shows!

Turning on the TV I see that they have.
I certainly seem to have my finger on the pulse of the pop cultural zeitgeist!

It's nice to know that other than the guys at modern humorist -(who seem to be slumming on this one)... VH-1 has a work release program for 3rd rate celebritoids to be snarky and bitchy about stuff that had more of an impact on popular culture than they ever will. (I'm looking at you Michael Ian Black) It's so nice to see a bunch of botoxed and personally trained imbeciles from L.A. rank out on fashions they were just as slavishly following back then as the ones they slavishly follow now.

And poor Liz Phair... having to comment on the hunky guys of the 90's.But then again, it's more airplay than her last single got. Probably shoulda saved the "blowjob queen" song for a later album.


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