Fat Guys Named John
I dunno how many people out there have ever had philosophy... but there was this thingh that was brought up in an intro to philosophy book I was reading - the Platonic Ideal... something about how in a cave at the center of the universe exists this cave which has the perfect form of everything... like there is the platonic ideal of a "chair" and so forth.
So at sort-of cross purposes to this is the archetype as popularized by Jung and also in the works of Joseph Campbell.
Interestingly enough - archetypes and sterotypes often seem to get confused in popular thinking... So anyway... where this is leading to:
It's been my experience that comic book shops, seeing as they are gathering places of a certain subcultural type here in Murrika, have their own archetypes of those who work in said stores...
You've got the surly owner who used to love comics, and decided that that would be a great way to earn aliving, but has since become so cynical and embittered with the buisiness side of things that he holds any and all who still love the medium and the culture in severe disdain.
Then you've the got the skinny sorta spastic guy who is usually typified by either having very strange hair, facial or coiffure... this is the guy who can engage you in a three hourlong conversation about whether Wolverine could kick BAtman's ass and do so with the same passion and intensity as a well paid trial lawyer.
And finally you've got the fat sarcastic guy (usually named John) as exemplified by the character on the Simpsons (even though he isn't named John, he's the perfect example of this type of guy).
Is this the same Steve Luc (Libra!) who went to CSF? If so knock on your desk three times and say "I love Sam" then email me at samalishy@yahoo.com
If not. Please ignore.
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